Free Midlife Meditations

Episode 140: Habit Changes for Saving the Planet with Yvonne Marchese

motivation passion purpose sustainability Apr 19, 2023
Photo of Yvonne Marchese smiling in front of a turquoise background with the title Habit Changes for Saving the Planet: an Earth Day Special

Are You Too Old to Change? 


April 22nd is Earth Day and it's been around for 53 years now.

I've been thinking about how we can celebrate it and also how we can do better when it comes to taking care of our planet. At first, I wasn't sure if it was the right topic for my podcast, but then I realized that changing our habits and thinking is exactly what my podcast is all about. So, I'm taking a baby step and using this episode to let you know that we'll be talking more about this topic in the future. I have some cool ideas for guests that I think will inspire you and give you hope.

Now, I know not everyone might be into this topic or might not believe that humans are affecting the environment. But hey, I hope you'll stick around and listen to what I have to say. Let's ride the discomfort like a wave, baby!

I think we have the power to make a difference by taking individual actions. We can influence others by leading by example and buying sustainable products. Businesses respond to demand in the form of dollars, so we can use our purchasing power to make a positive impact. 

I have a podcast because I believe that hearing inspiring stories can motivate us to take the next steps towards living our best life. We don't have a lot of time to waste when it comes to making changes for ourselves or the environment. We're on borrowed time, so we shouldn't wait to do the things we want to do or make better choices.

In Full Bloom: a guide to aging playfullyĀ 

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