One Month Free.... $29 per month to continue

30 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

After 1 Month you will be automatically charged $29 per month. 

 You can unsubscribe from auto payments anytime before the payment is due and your plan will be canceled after your current billing period. You’ll still have access to the community until then. 

*To avoid unplanned charges, we recommend canceling your plan at least a day before it renews. Waiting to do it last minute may already be too late.

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Age Agitators Club - 1 month trial

Bringing together women who are committed to busting through their Midlife Funk to inspire, cheer each other on, share our stories and take bold action, so that we can define and rock the next chapter of life and achieve new life goals whether it’s pursuing a passion project, pivoting careers or finally running that marathon.

Experience this dynamic community for 1 month FREE! After the initial 30 day period you will automatically be charged $29 per month.  You may unsubscribe at any time.